Hey There, I'm programmer named AbdulRahman Mohammad and this is my personal website. I started programming when I was 16 years old during the COVID-19 pandemic. I am now a back-end developer and an expert in Node.js. I have several profitable projects that I am working on, and I plan to develop huge open source projects and publish them to the public in the coming months. I am passionate about learning and plan to enter the software engineering specialty at the university next year. Programming takes up most of my time, and learning more of it is fun for me. I am also interested in content creation and have experience in Adobe Premiere. Additionally, I provide a programming service and other services through my site 😉.
I love learning computer skills, such as learning programming, 3D design, montage, office programs, and more skills that are useful to me in my practical life, or may not be useful.
“First, solve the problem. Then, write the code.”
“Computer skills are the new literacy.”
I offer many Services that I am good at making, order one of them if you like
Order your own Discord bot and customize it however you like
We can create a website for you, or we can help you with your current website.
Let's chat! Whether you have a question, a comment, request service, or just want to say HELLO!, I'm always happy to hear from you. You can reach me by sending a message through the contact chat on this site or by emailing me directly at contact@iabdo.me. I look forward to hearing from you!
Your support helps me to continue with my projects and work, and this motivates me to do more in exchange for working on open source projects
If you use my referral link to create a new account on DigitalOcean, you will get $200 credit for 60 days, and I will get $25 credit after you spend $25. My referral link
Be sponsor in my github profile, All funds will be allocated to the development and improvement of open source projects, and free projects and services will be supported and operated. My sponsors page
You can donate to me through PayPal, and I will use the funds to develop and improve open source projects, and support and operate free projects and services. My PayPal
You can support me on Patreon, and I will use the funds to develop and improve open source projects, and support and operate free projects and services. My Patreon